Refreshers & Mileage Builders
Build Miles and Get Experience

Enhance your abilities and regain your confidence on the water! Whether you're seeking a review of basic cruising skills or desire instructor-guided sessions to bolster your on-the-water proficiency, our Basic PLUS Refresher & Skill Builder and "Journey to Chartering" Mileage Builder programs are tailored to meet your objectives.

These courses offer personalized instruction, allowing each student to concentrate on specific skill areas for improvement. Practice various techniques including points of sail, tacking & gybing, boat handling maneuvers, docking, anchoring, crew overboard procedures, sail trim, and more!

Our Basic PLUS sessions take place aboard one of our Hunter 31s, while our Journey to Chartering courses are conducted on our Catalina 42, providing ample opportunities for hands-on learning and experience-building.
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